Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bow season is HERE!

Well, not quite, but in 2 weeks here in GA, it will be on!! I know it is hard to get out there and sit in a tree when it is 75 when the sun comes up and then by 10am it is pushing the 90* mark, but I think that you will find that there can be some added advantages to getting out early! I unfortuenately will not be out that first weekend due to some prior commitments, but hopefully the following weekend I will be in my home away from home 20' in a tree and enjoying the scenery!

I hope all of you are looking forward to the up and coming season with high hopes and dreams of huge bucks and memories that will last a lifetime!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sold my Baby!

You know, sometimes you have to make sacrifices to get things you want, so with much regret I sold my Drenalin to pay for a lease with a friend, but I think that I will make out a bit better....LOL, soooo I will be settin up my Reezen 6.5 this week....will post pix when I get her done!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sorry its been so long!

Hey everyone! I know its been a minute since I posted, Whew!!! Been hella busy at the shop, with the season only a month out we are cookin at the bowshop!! Ive got a new lease this year, and I am really anxious to get out and hang stands, but the 90* heat is just too much and the long rattle thingys are out in abundance!!! If yall are out and about WHATCH YOUR STEP!!!

The new Mathews bow is out.....THE PASSION!! Check it out @

Talk to you all soon!!!!