Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sorry its been so long!

Have you all ever had a period of time when things just seem to take off full throttle and you are just along for the ride? Well, honestly, that is what has been going on. The season came in the 12th of September, and I have not been in the woods one time. For one, its been in the high eightys during the day and only in the 70's in the evenings....Sooo, the motivation is sort of slim to none, buuuut I am planning on trying to get out this weekend, but its still hot, so who knows.....

I hope that your all having a great season if its in where you are!! The good news is I did get my Reezen set up and shooting an unreal 303 fps with a 362 grain arrow at 71# with a 27" draw....I will post some pix when I get a chance!!!

Shoot straight everyone!!